The students toured the service centre where tailoring and dressmaking service, chess club and post office are located, visited a grocery store and cafe and met with members of the Village's volunteer fire department.
"A year passed since the Universiade and right now we are facing the task of providing accommodation for the FINA World Championships participants. Our mission is to preserve and enrich the Games Legacy. Just four days ago around 8,500 students moved into the campus; half of them are freshers and have never been here before. The campus welcomes students for the fifth consecutive year, and as time goes by, students' demands change: if earlier all a beauty salon needed is a haidresser, now it needs a turbo solarium and even more. With the help of students and their feedback, we hope we will be ready to give a first-class welcome in 2015," said Farid Abdulganiev. According to him, some services, like a floral shop for example, will be made available during the World Championships.
"As of today, we are ready to offer 2,500 beds to the World Championships participants. We expect that the majority of athletes will stay in the Athletes' Village and we will make every effort to create best conditions for them. During the Masters tournament, the Village will accommodate up to 6,000 athletes," said the Athletes' Village Mayor.